28mm Qin Dynasty Chinese

The page catalogs my efforts to complete the Qin army figures I picked up from the Watchful I Studios kickstarter.  I picked up enough figures to do two small armies using Basic Impetus, although I am looking at figures from some other companies to help round it out. 


Converted mounted general

General is a combination of Heavy Cavalry figure with spare head and arm from foot genera1


Drunken master, Sword Master and Huang Guigu

Swordmaster Closeup

Huang Guigu, Qin General

Drunken Master (cudgel omitted)


Heavy Cavalry

Heavy Cavalry with alternate heads

Second stand with Standard bearer.

Light Cavalry

Mounted Crossbows

Mounted spearmen with added Quiver and bow holster


Heavy Infantry

These figures are mounted as CP infantry, even though most of the Impetus lists I have seen list them as CL infantry.  I think the heavy armor, shields and pole arms lend better to CM or CP, so I am at least basing them as such.

Group Photo

Spear and Shield, I opted to keep them densely mounted.

Spear and Shield unit #2

Dagger-Ax #1

Dagger-Ax #2

I also opted to add a couple units of Casting Room Miniatures Han Armored Infantry. These were painted in a fairly distinct style in order to let me paint a separate opposing force. 

Light Infantry

Mixed Weapons


Spear and Shield

Missile Troops

Heavy Crossbowmen with Shield bearers

Prior to unit basing

Skirmishers with Repeating Crossbows

Light Archers
Light Crossbows

Light Crossbows

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