Friday, February 6, 2015

28mm Orcs and Goblins

Every year I try to set up a fun Halloween battle for my son and I to play.  I try to add a mixture of fantasy elements along with some of my medieval or dark age figures.  For 2014 I did a scenario pitting his noble knights against a force of Orc and Goblin  raiders.

Wargames Factory Plastic Orcs

Reaper Plastic/resin Goblins

WHFB Empire Army -Leaders and Artillery

Empire Artillery

WFB Empire Collection Infantry and Cavalry

My Empire army started around 1990-91 when it was revamped in preparation for the release of WFB 4th Edition.  This has long been my favorite force because of how closely it matches their historical counterparts in 15th century Germany.  Over the last couple of years, I decided to rehabilitate the collection by completing some of the units including new basing and better standards and flags.  The end result has been to create the Corps of a French and German army for the Italian Wars using the Impetus rule system.


Reiksguard Foot, with converted Captain.

Reiksguard Foot with Two-Handed Weapons

Ostland Halberdiers

Middenland Halberdiers with a detachment of Handgunners and Swordsmen
